Saturday, February 28, 2009

Spring Time!

School has started again. Classes were really hard this week I have lots of work ahead of me for this semester. On the bright side, there are a lot of really cool new people in most of my classes. The teachers are alright, too. I am sad that my International Economic Negotiation teacher did not show up the first day and neither did my Salsa teacher! Shame!

Also, I am officially a European. I got my UK passport about two weeks ago. It is a nice beautiful, maroon passport with a beautiful picture of me in it. I actually feel pretty special to have dual citizenship. Be jealous...

The other night I went to club mix again. It is a very stereotypical club with amazing light shows loud as hell music and several levels. I went crazy. I danced on stages to music I don't know and it was perfect. I think I will start going to this club very often for the next 5 months. I have been before, but this party was just perfect. Unfortunately I didn't get to meet up with the people I was originally going with. They ended up going to what is supposed to be a really cool salsa bar. Then, last night, it was Paty's Bday and we had a party. I met tons of girls from mexico and hung out with al my old friends. It was really wonderful meeting so many new people.

Today was the most beautiful day in the past few months. The sun finally came out and we had blue skies, warm weather, nice cool breeze. Everything was perfect. I sat around watching people walk by and the roller bladers do cool tricks. Then I had a nice Panini Nuetella. Tomorrow everything in Paris is free and I cannot wait.

Sorry I jumped around a lot in here. Just have so many little things to say.



1 comment:

samanthaRae said...

William! I just discovered your blog (where have I been? slash why didn't you tell me you had one?) and I must say your writing style is very entertaining. So I'm putting a link for your blog on my blog so my readers can read your stuff too! And by the way I'm totally excited for spring soon too!
Bisous ~ Samantha

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