Tuesday, May 26, 2009

All good things come to an end, but not today!

This morning I went for a run in the rain. I love running in the rain. The streets are baron and there is not one tourist out, which does not happen often. I get the whole sidewalk to myself and can go fast, slow, and zone out and really just enjoy my surroundings. In previous posts I talked about how gloomy Paris is when it is cold and rainy, but now I retract that statement. I have come to appreciate this city in all weather. Everything was miraculous(spelling?) this morning and of course I went much further than I had intended. Anyone that runs knows this phenomenon, when you are having fun or if it is raining then you just feel like you can go forever.

Anyway, while I was running I was thinking about how much I have changed over the past year. When I left Atlanta I was a living worry wart! I worried and thought about everything all day long. I never gave myself a chance to rest, a chance for my brain and body to just enjoy itself. Not only that but I have always been so stressed about graduating and classes at school. In Paris I have learned to relax and enjoy life and don't look so forwards into the future. It sounds cliche but I have learned to live in the moment and make the best of every situation.

Unfortunately, as I have said before, I realize that I have to return to the 'ATL' soon. Atlanta, as much as I have not experienced, does not excite me. It is fun and I have friends there but it is just not the same as living in France. I am not sure if France will be my final destination after graduation, but I know it is not Atlanta. So the idea of coming home starts to hit me harder and harder everyday. There is only about two months left. Plus, I will be spending about 3 weeks of that outsde of Paris in Nice, Cannes, Marseille and Rome (horrible life, huh?). So, I am trying to figure out the way I should be for the next two months. Do I go tourist crazy and see all the things I haven't seen, or do I just keep hanging out and enjoying life here? I think it is good to keep seeing new things but should definitely not get overworked into the tourist trap. No one likes a tourist!

After all that disappointing news of my return to Atlanta, I do in fact have some amazing news. I will not be returning to Atlanta with no memories of Paris! I have met one of the most amazing girls in the world here named Lexi (Alexandra). Yes, she is Parisien, and yes she is from Sciences-Po. Before anyone freaks out, she did not decide to come to Atlanta because of me, she chose to study abroad at Emory next year. It just so happens we met and hit it off and well it has been history since then. I am truely the happiest I have been in quite some time and really look forwards to see how this all works out. For now though, I love spending time with her and her little dog Cleo (that dog loves me). And while we are on the topic of animals loving me, the neighbors cats met me recently. Now when they are outside, they jump into the windowsil of my apartment and purr and let me pet them. Freaking awesome cats!

So, that is all the news about me, but nwo I will tel yo a bit more of what has been going on recently and what is to come over the next few weeks. So a few weeks ago we had an amazing party, followed up by another party two weeks later. Were they successes? Abso-freaking-lutely. Huge crowds showed up ready to have an amazing time, and let me tell you, we did just that. We dance (of course), "sang" national anthems from Israel to British from USA to Russia, I don't think the neighbors appreciated it too much, though. Then as usual we finished up the party with a friendly game of circle of death. It is amazing how the american culture penetrates any other drinking culture of the world with our games, music, and humor----awesome. The scond party was pretty bizzare. It started as a party with lots of diversity and not many people knowing eachother. You might think "haha, i bet that was awkward." Well, yes, but not because of what you are thinking. It turned into the match-making party. It seemed like every 5 minutes new 'couples' were forming, kissing, breaking off and leaving the party. Then, moments later new friends would show up. WEIRD... The good news is that it kept the number at the party pretty consant and we got to see lots of different friends, and well they uh...met new friends, too...

I will finish this post later :)


Ashley said...

that is so crazy that she is coming to Atlanta too, what are the odds. Tell her she is going to have to come have dinner with me at my sorority so she can see what it is all about.

Eva said...

Absolutely warms my heart to read your posts, Boy. Yes, you have grown and it is so evident. I am deliriously happy for you, especially on the social front, on the romance front. You're a good egg and, finally, good things are coming your way.

Don't fret about your return to Atlanta. It'll be brief. You'll see that you won't skip a beat and before you know it you'll be off to your next destination.

I'm proud of you.


Apartment in cannes said...

Thanks for sharring.
It was very nice.

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